we do insurance differently

Business owners have been taken for granted by insurance agents for far too long.
Insurance programs have been presented as a commodity to businesses — and businesses
have been presented to insurance carriers as commodities… Until now.

what we do

are you ready to actually
benefit from your insurance policy?

An impersonal, indifferent, and indistinguishable approach has driven these transactional relationships for too
long, and businesses have been duped into believing there is nothing they can do about it — their experience
validates this belief.

but we do insurance differently.

Based on a unique knowledge of how insurance policies are written and the methodology
employed to price insurance programs, we have developed a proprietary approach to building
risk management programs that benefits you first.

Commercial Insurance

Strategic alliances between The 300 Group and the nation’s leading commercial insurance carriers provides our clients billions of dollars in buying power and the strongest risk management partnerships available on the market.


We can help your insurance program even if we don’t write your insurance program. With decades of experience in commercial insurance, we have seen it all – let us put our experience to work for you.

Risk Management

Commercial insurance is about more than the typical off-the-shelf product business owners are often sold. We can help you build a robust risk management program to protect company and personal assets, develop a safe environment for employees and customers, and keep you updated on the latest best practices and recommendations from the nation’s leaders in safety and risk management.

Your Front-Line Contacts

we know the team that serves
you can make a world of difference​.

Q token 2
quinten lovejoy
Founder - Agency Principal
andrea williamson
account executive
Katie Hainey
account manager

“Our promise is to fight for our clients above profits,
commissions, and incentives. We believe if you serve the
client, everything else will take care of itself.”

core values

our business is built on core values that we
not only work by — but that we live on a daily basis.

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    serve clients
    as their advocate

    Even if you never become a client, we are here to provide value. We aim to help you repurpose your insurance investment dollars in ways that will enable your company to attract and retain talent. As a decision-maker in your company, you will notice we serve as an advocate for you first.

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    with integrity

    Integrity is at the heart of everything we do. The businesses we work with understand that we will not cut corners or water down coverage to buy business. Our mission is always to do the right thing and protect the interests of our clients.

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    change the experience

    We strive to create a new experience for our clients. Existing industry practices present you as a commodity to the insurance company and presents the insurance company as a commodity to you. Our proprietary process disrupts this pattern. We are not just a one-year service – we are a long-term partnership. We aim to protect the businesses we insure by minimizing exposures and maintaining an appropriate balance of risk and cost so that you can focus on what you do best.

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    educate the relationship

    You have much to share about your industry – we have much to share about ours. This mutual exchange of ideas transforms your risk management program from an obligatory expense into an asset that can improve your workplace and enhance the lives of your employees. In this, our clients become sophisticated buyers of insurance and risk management programs – and we become trusted advisors in whom our clients can place their confidence.

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    dynamic partnerships

    Your company succeeds because you are built to do what you know how to do – our company succeeds because we are built to do what we know how to do. When these factors properly engage, a dynamic partnership is born. Our mission is to deliver value to this partnership beyond providing just an insurance policy. Your current insurance agent and your current insurance program – if we can help improve that existing relationship, we deliver value.


Your business is too important for an off-the-shelf insurance product. It takes dedicated time and effort to build a quality risk management program – you deserve an agent who will lead this process.

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